
紫金矿业集团 福州大学 网站德州扑克网页版
德州扑克网页版 德州扑克网页版

赵宇松 -- 讲师/校聘副研究员 --博士研究生

职务: 采矿工程学位点秘书
专业: 采矿工程
研究方向: 矿山岩石力学,岩石断裂力学,真三维裂隙岩石,真三轴动静荷载试验,离散元数值模拟,工程安全评价。


Main experience


博士(2015/09-2021/06): 北京科技大学 土木与资源工程德州扑克网页版 采矿工程专业
海外(2019/09-2020/11): 肯塔基大学 矿业工程德州扑克网页版 采矿工程专业 (留学基金委公派联合培养)
本科(2011/09-2015/08): 北京科技大学 土木与资源工程德州扑克网页版 采矿工程专业


Main experience




Main experience


1. 福建省自然科学基金(青创),真三轴条件下含三维裂隙岩体破裂机制试验与模拟研究。2023/08-2026/08,在研,主持。
2. 福建省自然科学基金(面上),裂隙岩体介质损伤局部化破坏过程声发射精细识别与非局部理论分析,2022/08-2025/08,在研,主要参与人。
4. 国家自然科学基金项目,硬脆性岩石力学行为宏细观表征及围岩损伤强卸荷-温度耦合效应机制研究。2018/01-2021/12,结题,主要参与人。
5. 福州大学引进人才科研启动基金,真三维裂隙条件下脆性岩体破坏机理实验研究及数值模拟分析。2021/10-2023/10,结题,主持。


Main experience


[1]Qi Qi, Yusong Zhao, Binglei Li, Long Chen. Spalling failure and fracturing of brittle sandstone containing rectangular cavity based on biaxial compression test and discrete element method. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2024.
[2]Congcong Chen, Yusong Zhao, Shunchuan Wu. Influences of true 3D twin flaws on principal stress status and crack occurrence of brittle rock-like samples under uniaxial compression: Insights from experimental and DEM studies. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2023.
[3]Congcong Chen, Yusong Zhao, Bo Ma. Three-Dimensional Risk Matrix for Risk Assessment of Tailings Storage Facility Failure: Theory and a Case Study. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2023.
[4]Yusong Zhao, Qi Qi, Jianing Li, et al. Experimental investigations on the failure characteristics of brittle sandstone containing various heights of rectangle cavities under biaxial loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2023.
[5]Congcong Chen, Xianwei She, Yusong Zhao. Influence of Spherical Caverns on the Failure Characteristics of Neighboring Tunnels under True Triaxial Conditions: Insights from an Experimental Test and Discrete Element Simulation. Applied Sciences. 2023.
[6]Yusong Zhao, Congcong Chen, Qi Qi, et al.Rotation and deflection of 3D principal stress axes induced by a prefabricated single flaw in sandstone: A numerical investigation based on DEM. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022.
[7]Yusong Zhao, Congcong Chen, Shunchuan Wu, et al. Effects of 2D&3D nonparallel flaws on failure characteristics of brittle rock-like samples under uniaxial compression: Insights from acoustic emission and DIC monitoring. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022.
[8]Yusong Zhao, Yongtao Gao, Shunchuan Wu, et al. Experimental and numerical study of failure characteristics of brittle rocks with single internal 3D open-type flaw. Acta Geotechnica. 2021.
[9]Yusong Zhao, Yongtao Gao, Shunchuan Wu. Influence of different concealment conditions of parallel double flaws on mechanical properties and failure characteristics of brittle rock under uniaxial compression. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022.
[10]Jianing Li, Jianhua Hu, Yusong Zhao, et al. Failure characteristics of tunnel under the true triaxial condition: Role of a prefabricated flaw. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2024.