张建智 -- 副教授 --博士
Main experience
2024.9 ─ 至 今: 福州大学,副教授2021.9 ─ 2024.9: 福州大学,讲师2016.9 ─ 2020.9: 重庆大学,土木工程德州扑克网页版 土木工程专业(岩土工程),博士2013.9 ─ 2016.6: 华侨大学,土木工程德州扑克网页版 建筑与土木工程专业,硕士2009.9 ─ 2013.6: 华侨大学,土木工程德州扑克网页版 土木工程专业(结构工程),学士
以岩石力学计算预测为研究主题,主持国家自然科学基金1项、深地科学与工程教育部重点实验室等开放基金3项、安徽庐江龙桥矿业股份有限公司等企业委托科技开发项目3项;编写行业技术标准1项;发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI收录论文30余篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,论文他引1600余次,H因子20;连续入围2022年度和2023年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”,获第十四届中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学奖特等奖,获福建省级高层次人才(C类)。主要在隧道及地下工程灾变科学与智能防控技术领域开展技术开发。科研项目如下:[1] 国家自然科学基金青年资助项目:真三轴条件下裂隙花岗岩断裂过程区动态演化与破坏预测模型(No. 52109124),2022/1-2024/12,项目负责人[2] 四川大学深地科学与工程教育部重点实验室开放基金:真三轴条件下裂隙硬岩局部化诱致失稳与破坏预测,2022/1-2023/12,项目负责人[3] 东北大学深部金属矿山安全开采教育部重点实验室开放基金:真三轴动力扰动下岩桥效应与智能预测,2023/1-2024/12,项目负责人[4] 安徽庐江龙桥矿业股份有限公司委托科技开发项目:龙桥铁矿矿区原岩应力场测试及致灾危险性评价,2024/1-2024/12,项目参与人
发表SCI论文40余篇,包括自然指数(Nature Index)期刊、中科院Top期刊Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth及Geophysical Journal International、International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、Engineering Fracture Mechanics等。总引用1600余次,单篇最高引201次;共四篇学术论文被选为高被引论文(ESI)。[1] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2020. Forecasting catastrophic rupture in brittle rocks using precursory AE time series. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125(8), e2019JB019276.[2] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2020. AE event rate characteristics of flawed granite: From damage stress to ultimate failure. Geophysical Journal International 222(2):795–814. [3] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, Yin P, 2019. Visco-plastic deformation analysis of rock tunnels based on fractional derivatives. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 85:209–219.[4] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2017. Time-dependent jamming mechanism for Single-Shield TBM tunneling in squeezing rock. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 69:209–222. [5] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, Du YH, 2023. Cracking behaviors and acoustic emission characteristics in brittle failure of flawed sandstone: A true triaxial experiment investigation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56:167–182.[6] Zhang JZ, Gu TT, Wang X, Zhang T, Zhang ZP, 2024. Mechanical and volumetric fracturing behaviors of layered composite sandstones with a contrast in grain size under true triaxial stresses. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57:4089–4105.[7] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2022. Fracture process zone (FPZ) in quasi-brittle materials: Review and new insights from flawed granite subjected to uniaxial stress. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 274:108795.[8] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2023. Integrated acoustic-optic-mechanics (AOM) multi-physics field characterization methods for a crack: Tension vs. shear. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 287:109339. [9] Zhang JZ, Wu WT, Zhou XP, 2023. On the predictability of localization instabilities of quasibrittle materials from accelerating rates of acoustic emission. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 289:109455.[10] Zhang JZ, Long YD, Zhang T, Zhou XP, 2024. A true triaxial experiment investigation of the mechanical and deformation failure behaviors of flawed granite after exposure to high-temperature treatment. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 306:110273.[11] Zhang T, Zhang JZ, 2022. Numerical estimate of critical failure surface of slope by ordinary state-based peridynamic plastic model. Engineering Failure Analysis 140:106556.[12] Zhou XP, Zhang JZ, Qian QH, Niu Y, 2019. Experimental investigation of progressive cracking processes in granite under uniaxial loading using digital imaging and AE techniques. Journal of Structural Geology 126:129–145.[13] Zhou XP, Zhang JZ, Wong LNY, 2018. Experimental study on the growth, coalescence and wrapping behaviors of 3D cross-embedded flaws under uniaxial compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51(5):1379–1400.[14] Zhou XP, Zhang JZ, 2021. Damage progression and acoustic emission in brittle failure of granite and sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 143:104789.[15] Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, Zhou LS, Berto F, 2019. Progressive failure of brittle rocks with non-isometric flaws: Insights from acousto-optic-mechanical (AOM) data. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 42(8):1787–1802.[16] Zhang JZ, Wang HT, Yu J, Cai WQ, Zhang T, 2024. Compression-induced failure characteristics of brittle flawed rocks: Mechanical confinement-dependency. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 134(6):104678.[17] Zhang T, Gu TT, Jiang J, Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2024. An ordinary state-based peridynamic model for granular fracture in polycrystalline materials with arbitrary orientations in cubic crystals. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 301:110023.[18] Zhang T, Gu TT, Jiang J, Zhang JZ, Zhou XP, 2023. Influences of mechanical contrast on failure characteristics of layered composite rocks under true-triaxial stresses. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56(7):5363–5381.