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从事冶金过程二次资源再生利用与工业电化学方面的研究。先后主持国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金特别资助项目、中国博士后基金面上资助项目、福州大学人才基金等多项课题研究工作;以第一作者或通讯作者在Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie International等SCI期刊发表学术论文21篇;获授权发明专利7项。
《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》及《工程科学学报》青年编委。《Ceramics International》、《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》及《Journal of Energy Chemistry》等期刊审稿人。
1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2022YFC3900801,湿法炼锌全流程多价态金属离子交互反应规律及产泥机制,2022-10至2026-10,在研,主持2. 国家自然科学基金委员会-青年基金项目,51804221,熔盐电解氧化铁/碳混合固态阴极制备碳化铁包覆结构纳米铁的基础研究,2019-01至2021-12,已结题,主持3. 中国博士后基金特别资助项目,2019T120684,熔盐同步热解-电解含硅生物质制备硅/碳复合材料,2019-01至2020-12,已结题,主持4. 中国博士后基金面上资助项目,2018M642906,熔盐氧活性调控强化阴极电化学还原动力学的研究,2018-06至2020-12,已结题,主持
[1] Wei Weng, Boming Jiang, Zhen Wang, Wei Xiao*. In situ electrochemical conversion of CO2 in molten salts to advanced energy materials with reduced carbon emissions. Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaay9278(中科院1区,IF=14.136)[2] Wei Weng, Sibo Wang, Wei Xiao*, Xiong Wen (David) Lou*. Directconversion of rice husks to nanostructured SiC/C for CO2 photoreduction. Advanced Materials,2020, 2001560(中科院1区,IF=30.849)[3] Wei Weng, Juanxiu Xiao, Yijun Shen, Xinxin Liang, Teng Lv, Wei Xiao*. Molten salt electrochemical modulation of iron-carbon-nitrogen for lihium-sulfur batteries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2021, 60, 24905(中科院1区,IF=15.336)[4] Wen Zhong, Shuiping Zhong*, Ding Tang, Xiaopeng Chi, Wei Weng. Understanding the mechanism of microcrack-enhanced bioleaching of copper. Hydrometallurgy, 2023, 218, 106045 (中科院2区, IF=4.217)[5] Wei Weng, Wenze Zhang, Hongfu Lin, Xiaopeng Chi, Shuiping Zhong*. Fixing sulfur dioxide by feeding calcine oxide into the rotary volatilization kiln in zinc smelting plant. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023,30:43768-43777 (中科院3区, SCI, IF=5.190)[6] Shuiping Zhong, Huanlin Zhu, Lei Yang, Xiaopeng Chi, Wen Tan, Wei Weng*. Activating bulk nickel foam for the electrochemical oxidization of ethanol by anchoring MnO2@Au nanorods. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023,11,8101-8109 (中科院2区,IF=14.5)[7] Hongfu Lin, Wei Weng, Shuiping Zhong*, Guanzhou Qiu. Enhanced recovery of zinc and lead by slag composition optimization in rotary kiln. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2022, 32, 3110-3122 (中科院1区,IF=3.752)[8] Xinxin Liang, Wei Weng*, Wei Xiao et al. Molten salt electrochemical modulation of Ni/Co nanoparticles onto N-doped carbon for oxygen reduction. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 74:212-217 (中科院1区,IF=13.599)[9] Wei Weng, Jiarong Yang, Jing Zhou, Dong Gu, Wei Xiao*. Template-free electrochemical formation of silicon nanotubes from silica. Advanced Science,2020,2001492(中科院1区,IF=16.806)[10] Wei Weng, Jing Zhou, Dong Gu, Wei Xiao*. Thermoelectrochemical formation of Fe/Fe3C@hollow N-doped carbon in molten salts for enhanced catalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 4800-4806(中科院1区,IF=12.732)[11] Wei Weng, Chen Zeng, Wei Xiao*. In situ pyrolysis concerted formation of Si/C hybrids during molten salt electrolysis of SiO2@Polydopamine. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 9156-9163(中科院1区,IF=9.229)[12] Wei Weng, Lizi Tang, Wei Xiao*. Capture and electro-splitting of CO2in moltensalts. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2019, 28, 128–143(中科院1区,IF=9.676)[13] Wei Weng, Zhi Wang, Zhancheng Guo, Shuqiang Jiao, Mingyong Wang*. Enhanced electrodeposition and separation of metallic Cr from soluble K2CrO4 on a liquid Zn cathode. Journal of Energy Chemistry,2020, 40, 204–211(中科院1区,IF=9.676)[14] Jing Zhou, Hansheng Xiao, Wei Weng*, Dong Gu, Wei Xiao*. Interfacial confinement of Ni-V2O3in molten salts for enhanced electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Journal of Energy Chemistry,2020,50, 280–285(中科院1区,IF=9.676)[15] Wei Weng, Wei Xiao*.Electrodeposited Silicon Nanowires from Silica Dissolved in Molten Salts as a Binder-Free Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 804-813(中科院2区,IF=6.024)
授权专利[1] 翁 威, 衷水平,迟晓鹏. 一种铜火法冶炼熔渣原位贫化及同步在线护炉的方法. ZL 2022 1 0661451.4 (已授权)[2] 翁 威, 陈杭,衷水平,王二庄,陈明云. 一种高硅型锌浸出渣的回转窑挥发处理方法. ZL202111214084.5[3] 王明涌, 翁 威, 王志,公旭中, 郭占成. 一种由钒酸盐直接电解制备三氧化二钒的方法. ZL201310681520.9[4] 肖 巍, 翁 威, 姜博铭. 一种基于熔盐电化学法制备碳纳米管包覆金属材料的方法. ZL201910725591.1