郭宝 -- 教授 --教授
Main experience
2005年至2009年,哈尔滨工程大学材料物理,学士2009年至2012年,哈尔滨工程大学材料学,硕士2012年至2016年,昆士兰大学化学与冶金工程(矿物加工),博士2016年04月至2018年08月,加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学化学系,博士后2018年09月至今,福州大学紫金矿业德州扑克网页版 ,旗山学者
作为主要参加人参与国家自然科学基金、科技部专项基金、Newcrest Mining公司的企业研发项目、International Mineral Innovation Institute研发项目、Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council基金等。主要研究课题有:黄金选矿厂回水中的氰化物对金银及伴生黄铁矿浮选的抑制作用及缓解方法、高盐度钾肥矿钢筋混凝土设备的腐蚀与防护、剧烈塑形变形制备超细晶Ti-Ni形状记忆合金的微观组织与性能、电化学沉积法制备黄金纳米颗粒诱发表面增强近红外拉曼光谱。近六年共发表SCI检索学术论文16篇,其中第一作者 7 篇,一区 2篇。
[1] Y.X. Tong*, F. Chen, B. Guo, B. Tian, L. Li, Y.F. Zheng, D.V. Gunderov, R.Z. Valiev, Superelasticity and its stability of an ultrafine-grained Ti49.2Ni50.8 shape memory alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 587, 2013, 61–64.[2] O. Mohamed, B. Guo, Y.X. Tong*, F. Chen, B. Tian, L. Li, Y.F. Zheng, Recent development of bulk ultrafine grained TiNi-based shape memory alloys processed by severe plastic deformation, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, Vol. 43, 2014, 1511–1517.[3] B. Guo*, Y. Peng*, R. Espinosa-Gomez, Cyanide chemistry and its effect on mineral flotation, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 66–68, 2014, 25–32.[4] B. Guo, Y. Peng*, R. Espinosa-Gomez, Effects of free cyanide and cuprous cyanide on the flotation of gold and silver bearing pyrite, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 71, 2015, 194–204.[5] B. Guo, Y. Peng*, Y. Mai, The effect of zinc cyanide on the flotation of gold from pyritic ore, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 85, 2016, 106–111.[6] B. Guo, Y. Peng*, The interaction between copper species and pyrite surfaces in copper cyanide solutions, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 158, 2017, 85–92.[7] B. Guo, Y. Peng*, G. Parker, Electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of pyrite–cyanide interactions in relation to the depression of pyrite flotation, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 92, 2016, 78–85.[8] S. Zhao, B. Guo, Y. Peng*, Y. Mai, An impedance spectroscopy study on the mitigation of clay slime coatings on chalcocite by electrolytes, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 101, 2017, 40-46.[9] S. Simon, T.I. Olumorin, B. Guo, I.J. Burgess*, Role of Au(I) intermediates in the electrochemical formation of highly anisotropic gold nanostructures with near-IR SERS applications, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 120, 2016, 26150–26158.[10] B.C. Barlow, A. Situm, B. Guo, X. Guo, A. P. Grosvenor*, Ian J. Burgess*, X-ray microprobe characterization of corrosion at the buried polymer-steel interface, Corrosion Science, Vol. 144, 2018, 198-206.
[1] 剧烈塑形变形制备超细晶TiNi形状记忆合金的组织与性能,黑龙江省优秀硕士论文,黑龙江省学位委员会,2012年