
紫金矿业集团 福州大学 网站德州扑克网页版
德州扑克网页版 德州扑克网页版

饶峰 -- 教授 --

专业: 矿物加工工程
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 矿物材料、矿物浮选、固废综合利用


Main experience


2018.7-至今 福州大学紫金矿业德州扑克网页版 ,教授,博士生导师,闽江学者特聘教授
2014.10-2018.6,墨西哥米却肯大学冶金与材料德州扑克网页版 ,教授,博士生导师
2011.10 -2013.2,墨西哥JDC矿业集团,总经理助理
2004.9-2007.3,昆明理工大学国土资源工程德州扑克网页版 ,矿物加工工程,硕士
2000.9-2004.7,昆明理工大学国土资源工程德州扑克网页版 ,矿物加工工程,学士


Main experience




Main experience


[1] 地质聚合反应和固废基地聚物:通过地质聚合反应将选矿尾矿、冶炼炉渣和粉煤灰等固废开发制备海工混凝土、耐高温混凝土、吸波混凝土和储能混凝土等。
[2] 难处理胶磷矿浮选:开发酸性体系中胶磷矿反浮选脱镁、脱硅、降MER和脱除铅锌等微量金属的药剂制度、浮选工艺和装备。
[3] 光催化氧化处理选冶废水:开发工艺和装备,通过光触激发过氧化氢或臭氧等产生强氧化活性基团,降解选冶废水中的有害药剂等。
[4] 碳酸盐黏土型锂矿开发:开发绿色低成本药剂,运用选冶联合工艺从低品位碳酸盐黏土型锂矿中提锂。
[5] 选冶流程消泡方案:研究某些选冶流程中泡沫过稳定从而影响工艺指标的问题,开发消泡设备,制订相应的消泡方案。


Main experience


《Minerals and Mineral Materials》编委
《International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials》青年编委


Main experience


[1] 云南省重大科技专项计划项目:低品位黏土型锂矿资源绿色高效提取碳酸锂关键技术研究与集成(202302AF080004),2023-2025,课题负责人。
[2] 福建省高校产学研联合创新项目:选冶污水光催化高级氧化的关键技术研发及产业化(2023Y4017),2023.07-2026.06,项目负责人。
[3] 福建省自然科学基金项目:高盐有机废水的氧化矿化效应与机制研究(2023J05111),2023.08-2026.08,主要参与人(2/7)
[4] 横向项目:地质聚合反应固结矿冶固废的关键技术与工程应用,2024-2026,项目负责人。
[5] 横向项目:碱激发重构矿冶固废高质利用关键技术与工程应用,2024-2026,项目负责人。
[6] 横向项目:建材化利用矿冶固废的关键技术与工程应用,2024-2026,项目负责人。
[7] 横向项目:臭氧耦合光催化深度氧化脱硅浮选药剂技术开发,2024-2026,项目负责人。
[8] 横向项目:德安高钙萤石矿可选性试验研究,2024-2026,项目负责人。

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:绿色轻固结尾矿基地质聚合物的凝胶差异和重金属固定机理研究(51974093),2020-2023,项目负责人。
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:磨矿体系新生离子效应对硫化铜矿物浮选的影响及优化调控(51804081),2019-2021,主要参与人(2/6)。
[3] 墨西哥重点科研平台巩固与发展项目:Characterization of stability of aqueous clay dispersions and siloxane modification at clay minerals faces (No. 270186),2016-2017,项目负责人。
[4] 墨西哥国家基础科研项目:Geopolymerization of Gangue Minerals to Consolidate Mine Tailings and to Immobilize Heavy Metals(2262),2016-2018,项目负责人。
[5] 墨西哥针对国家重点问题的科研项目:Saving fresh water for communities in arid mining regions through saline water and high-slurry-density flotations in mineral processing (No. 2064),2017-2019,项目负责人。
[6] 横向项目:禄丰县羊倦钛铁矿一般工业固废废物处置场专项设计,2022-2023,项目负责人。
[7] 横向项目:反浮选脱硅药剂残留回水处理工艺及关键设备研究开发,2022-2023,项目负责人。
[8] 横向项目:云南某锂矿选冶回收试验研究及其工业品位的推荐,2021-2022,项目负责人。
[9] 横向项目:磷矿浮选尾矿绿色固结自消纳关键技术研究,2021-2023,项目负责人。
[10] 横向项目:伟晶岩型锂辉石矿物表面性质及浮选溶液化学研究,2020-2021,项目负责人。
[11] 横向项目:反浮选脱镁磷精矿酸性条件反浮选脱硅捕收剂开发研究,2019-2020,项目负责人。
[12] 横向项目:开发墨西哥Nocoriba矿山的可行性论证咨询,2018-2019,项目负责人。
[13] 横向项目:Preliminary flotation study on the Mo minerals from Nocoriba,2017-2018,项目负责人。


Main experience


[1] Sun C., Lin S., Yang L*., Rao F*., Zheng Y., 2024, Immobilization of fluorinion in phosphorus tailings-blast furnace slag based geopolymers activated by waste alkalis, Cement and Concrete Composites, 146, 105407.
[2] Zheng Y., Rao F*., Yang L., Zhong S., 2023, Comparison of ternary and dual combined waste-derived alkali activators on the durability of volcanic ash-based geopolymers, Cement and Concrete Composites, 136, 104886.
[3] Tian X., Rao F*., Leon-Patino C.A., Song S., 2020, Co-disposal of MSWI fly ash and spent caustic through alkaline-activation consolidation, Cement and Concrete Composites, 116, 103888.
[4] Tian X., Rao F*., Leon-Patino C.A., Song S., 2020, Co-disposal of MSWI fly ash and spent caustic through alkaline-activation: Immobilization of heavy metals and organics, Cement and Concrete Composites, 114, 103824.
[5] Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., Morales-Estrella R., Xie X., Tong X., 2018, Chemical forms of lead immobilization in alkali-activated binders based on mine tailings, Cement and Concrete Composites, 92, 198-204.
[6] Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., Cholico D.F., Ortiz N.L., 2017, Combination Formation in the Reinforcement of Metakaolin Geopolymers with Quartz Sand, Cement and Concrete Composites, 80, 115-122.
[7] Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., García R.E., Estrella R. M., Patiño C.L., Zhang Y., 2017, Geopolymerization Reaction, Microstructure and Simulation of Metakaolinite-based Geopolymer at Extended Si/Al Ratios, Cement and Concrete Composites, 79, 45-52.
[8] Huang W., Liu W., Zheng Y., Rao F*., Yang L*., Jiang K., 2024, Quantitative evaluation of the difference in residual collectors in sulfide and non-sulfide flotation processes, Minerals Engineering, 217, 108960.
[9] Huang W., Liu W., Zhong W., Chi X., Rao F*., 2021, Effects of common ions on the flotation of fluorapatite and dolomite with oleate collector, Minerals Engineering, 174, 107213.
[10] Chen K., Yin W*., Rao F*., Wu J., Zhu Z., Tang Y., 2020, Agglomeration of fine-sized copper ore in heap leaching through geopolymerization process, Minerals Engineering, 159, 106649.
[11] Zuo W*., He Z., Shi F., Rao F., Guo B., Deng R., 2020, Effect of spatial arrangement on breakdown characteristics of synthetic particle in high voltage pulse breakage, Minerals Engineering, 149, 106241.
[12] Li Z., Rao F*., Guo B., Zuo W., Song S., Lopez-Valdivieso A., 2019, Effects of calcium ions on malachite flotation with octyl hydroxamate, Minerals Engineering, 141, 105854.
[13] Li Z., Rao F*., Corona-Arroyo M.A., Bedolla-Jacuinde A., Song S**., 2018, Comminution effect on surface roughness and flotation behavior of malachite particles, Minerals Engineering, 132, 1-7.
[14] Li Z., Rao F*., García R.E., Li H., Song S**., 2018, Partial replacement of sodium oleate using alcohols with different chain structures in malachite flotation, Minerals Engineering, 127, 185-190.
[15] Tian X., Rao F*., Li C., Ge W**., Ortiz-Lara N., Song S., Xia L., 2021, Solidification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash and immobilization of heavy metals using waste glass in alkaline activation system, Chemosphere, 283, 131240.
[16] Tian X., Xu W., Song S*., Rao F*., Xia L., 2020, Effects of curing temperature on the compressive strength and microstructure of copper tailing-based geopolymers, Chemosphere, 126754, 253, 126754.
[17] Wu J., Rao F*., Li J., Yin W., 2020, Mechanical property and structural evolution of alkali-activated slag-phosphate mine tailings mortars, Chemosphere, 251, 126367.
[18] Tian X., Rao F*., Leon-Patino C.A., Song S., 2019, Effects of aluminum on the expansion and microstructure of alkali-activated MSWI fly ash-based pastes, Chemosphere, 240, 124986.
[19] Kang S., Qin L., Zhao Y*., Wang W., Zhang T., Yang L., Rao F., Song S., 2019, Enhanced removal of methyl orange on exfoliated montmorillonite/chitosan gel in presence of methylene blue, Chemosphere, 238, 1246932.
[20] Wang T., Ning X., Yang L., Rao F*., Jiang K., 2023, Electromagnetic wave absorption properties of red mud-blast furnace slag based geopolymers filled with various wave-absorption materials, Construction and Building Materials, 404, 133335.
[21] Tian X., Rao F*., Morales-Estrella R., Song S., 2020, Effects of aluminum dosage on gel formation and heavy metal immobilization in alkali-activated municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, Energy & Fuels, 34, 4727-4733.
[22] Li Z., Rao F*., Song S., Uribe-Salas A., Lopez-Valdivieso A., 2019, Effects of common ions on adsorption and flotation of malachite with salicylaldoxime, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 577, 421-428.
[23] Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., Carlos A. Leon-Patiño, Ma Y., Yin W., 2018, Consolidation of mine tailings through geopolymerization at ambient temperature, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102, 2451-2461.
[24] Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S., 2017, Reexamining calcination of kaolinite for the synthesis of metakaolin geopolymers-roles of dehydroxylation and recrystallization, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 460, 74-80.
[25] Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**, León-Patiño C.A., 2017, Geothermal clay-based geopolymer binders: synthesis and microstructural characterization, Applied Clay Science, 146, 223-229.


Main experience


[1] 2024年,全球前2%顶尖科学家
[2] 2023年,全球前2%顶尖科学家
[3] 2023年,非金属矿科学技术二等奖(科技进步类)
[4] 2022年,福州大学杰出青年教师励志奖
[5] 2022年,福州大学教学成果一等奖
[6] 2021年,非金属矿科学技术二等奖(基础研究类)
[7] 2021年,发明创新创业二等奖
[8] 2021年,中国产学研合作创新奖(个人)
[9] 2018年,关键科研论文奖


Main experience


[1] 一种利用地质聚合反应制备耐酸矿石团聚体的方法,ZL 201910289191.0
[2] 一种制备高品质磷精矿的方法,ZL 201911254060.5
[3] 一种用于脱镁磷精矿反浮选再脱硅的捕收剂,ZL201911158575.5
[4] 一种多固废基地聚物吸波混凝土材料及其制备方法,ZL202211347932.4
[5] 一种煤矸石-炉渣基地聚物及其制备方法,ZL202211511948.4
[6] 一种碱激发地质聚物胶结超细磷尾矿充填材料及其制备方法,ZL202211553923.0
[7] 一种碱激发地质聚物胶结石膏晶须充填材料及其制备方法,ZL202211553936.8
[8] 一种利用离子替换从锂品位极低的粘土型锂矿中提取锂离子的方法,ZL202211629794.9