
紫金矿业集团 福州大学 网站德州扑克网页版
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邓荣东 -- 副教授 --博士研究生

专业: 矿物加工工程
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 有色金属矿的分离和硫化技术及理论,碳酸盐矿物的反浮选工艺和理论。


Main experience


2010.09-2015.07   博士,昆明理工大学矿物加工工程专业
2006.09-2010.07   学士,贵州大学矿物加工工程专业
2015.7至今,福州大学紫金矿业德州扑克网页版 ,讲师


Main experience




Main experience


4、 横向课题:紫金矿业集团股份有限公司, 紫金山黄铁矿抑制和活化规律研究, 16万元, 2022,主持
5、洛横向课题:钼集团选矿三公司, 洛钼低品位钨钼矿中铜的综合回收利用研究, 32万元,,2022,主持
6、横向课题:瑞基塔勘探有限公司 铜蓝与硫砷铜矿浮选分离过程中新型靶向抑制剂及机理研究,  45万元, 2020,主持
11、国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 绿色轻固结尾矿基地质聚合物的凝胶差异和重金属固定机理研究,2018,参与


Main experience


[1] Rongdong Deng, Xiaofeng Yang, Yuan Hu, Jiangang Ku, Weiran Zuo, Yingqiang Ma, Effect of Fe(II) as assistant depressant on flotation separation of scheelite from calcite,Minerals Engineering. 2018,118, 133-140.
[2] Deng, R.D., Zuo, W.R., Ku, J.G., et al. Synthesis of a cationic organic silicone surfactant and its application in the flotation of smithsonite. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2017, 167, 113-121.
[3] Rongdong Deng, Yuqing Huang, Yuan Hu, Jiangang Ku, Weiran Zuo, Wanzhong Yin, Study of reverse flotation of calcite from scheelite in acidic media, Applied Surface Science. 2018, 439: 139-147.
[4] Rongdong Deng, Yuan Hu, Jiangang Ku, Weiran Zuo, Zhengguo Yang, Adsorption of Fe(III) on smithsonite surfaces and implications for flotation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2017, 533, 308-315.
[5] Rongdong Deng, Quanjun Liu. Concentration of high-sulfur copper ore using a three-product magnetic flotation column. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 2013, 30(2),122-128.
[6] Rongdong Deng, Yuan Hu, Jiangang Ku, Yingqiang Ma, Zhengguo Yang, Ion migration law in flotation pulp and its influence on the separation of smithsonite and quartz. Separation science and technology. 2018, 53(5), 833-841.
[7] Deng, R.D.,Duan, W.T. Wang, Y,Hu, Y. Effect of the foaming performance of ammonium dibutyl dithio-phosphate on the flotation of slime-containing copper sulfide ore. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing.2022,58(6).
[8] Deng, R.D.,Wang, Y,Duan, W.T.,Xing, D.Q.,Hu, Y. Induced crystallization of Pb2+ on smithsonite surface during sulfidation-xanthate flotation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2022,650.
[9] Yuqing Huang, Wanzhong Yin, Rongdong Deng* , Dingquan Xing and Feng Rao, Strengthening Sulfidation Flotation of Hemimorphite via Pretreatment with Pb2+, Minerals, 2019, 9, 463.
[10] Yuan Hu, Yuqing Huang, Rongdong Deng*, Lin Ma, Wanzhong Yin, Improvement Effect of FeSO4•7H2O on Flotation Separation of Scheelite from Fluorite. ACS Omega, 2019, 4(7), 11364-11371.
[11] Weiran Zuo,Xinfeng Li,Fengnian Shi,Rongdong Deng*,Wanzhong Yin,Bao Guo,Jiangang Ku. Effect of high voltage pulse treatment on the surface chemistry and floatability of chalcopyrite and pyrite. Minerals Engineering.2020,147.
[12] Dingquan Xing, Yuqing Huang, Changsheng Lin, Weiran Zuo, Rongdong Deng*, Strengthening of sulfidization flotation of hemimorphite via fluorine ion modification. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 269: 118769.
[13] Ran, J.C.,Kong, D.H., Li, Y.P., Jiang, M.,Yu, X.B., Deng, R.D.*.New insights into the effects of particle size on the surface modification by low-temperature plasma from a perspective of surface oxidation degree. Advanced Powder Technology.2022,3(11).
[14] Weiran Zuo, Zeming He, Fengnian Shi, Feng Rao, Bao Guo, Rongdong Deng. Effect of spatial arrangement on breakdown characteristics of synthetic particle in high voltage pulse breakage. Minerals Engineering.2020,149.
[15] Lin Zhang,Huihuang Chen,Rongdong Deng,Weiran Zuo,Bao Guo,Jiangang Ku. Growth behavior of iron grains during deep reduction of copper slag. Powder Technology.2020,367:157-162.
[16] Jia Long,Zixu Miao,Huihuang Chen,Rongdong Deng,Weiran Zuo,Bao Guo, Jiangang Ku. Analysis of Magnetic Particle Agglomeration Structure and Interaction Forces Between Magnetic Particles. Journal of Magnetics.2020,25:15-21.
[17] Jiangang Ku,Miguel A. Valdez-Grijalva,Rongdong Deng,Weiran Zuo,Qidi Chen,Hua Lin,Adrian R. Muxworthy. Modelling External Magnetic Fields of Magnetite Particles: From Micro-to Macro-Scale.2019,9.
[18] Jiangang Ku, Weixin Wu, Rongdong Deng, Weiran Zuo, Wanzhong Yin. Simplified Magnetic Induction Field of Magnetite Particles With Irregular Shape. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.2019,55:1-5.
[19] Gan Y.G., Deng R.D.,Liu Q.J. Flotation Separation of Covellite and Enargite via Oxidation Treatment. Minerals.2022,12(08)
[20] Gan, Y.G.,Deng, R.D.,Liu, Q.J. Surface characteristics, collector adsorption, and flotation response of covellite in oxidizing environment. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.2022,32(2):657-667.
[21] 邓荣东,李想等. 新型捕收剂在云南某铝土矿正浮选脱硅中的应用,轻金属,2017(10):6-12.
[22] 邓荣东, 胡元, 库建刚, 马英强, 迟晓鹏. 云南某高硫铜金矿石选矿实验研究. 过程工程学报, 2016, 16(6): 946-952.
[23] 邓荣东, 刘全军, 库建刚. 氧化锌矿磨矿球径经验公式研究. 福州大学学报: 自然科学版, 2017, 45(4): 553-558.
[24] 邓荣东, 刘全军, 胡婷, 等. 云南某低品位硅质胶磷矿浮选试验研究[J]. 非金属矿, 2013, 36(3): 37-40.
[25] 邓荣东,刘全军.金矿石类型与选矿方法,昆工学报自然科学版,2012.
[26] 邓荣东,刘全军.云南低品位难处理氧化混合铜铁矿综合回收试验研究,昆工学报自然科学版,2012, 3(2),1-5.
[27]邓荣东,幸鼎权,周江慧,李世淇,赵睿祺. 方解石包覆-酸反应浮沉试验及机理[J]. 过程工程学报,2022,22(08):1094-1102.
[28]雷中云,邓荣东,姜克冰,库建刚. 低雷诺数下不规则颗粒沉降阻力公式的改进和验证[J].福州大学学报:自然科学版,2022,50(02):271-277.
[29]马麟,邓荣东,幸鼎权,陈泓希,范兴颖,黄汀怡. 硫酸溶液中方解石表面CO2气泡的生长过程[J]. 过程工程学报,2020,20(02):222-229.
[30]黄裕卿,邓荣东,印万忠,幸鼎权. 黄药体系下铅离子诱导异极矿强化硫化浮选及其机理[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2020,30(09):2224-2233.


Main experience


[1] 一种碳酸盐矿物的浮选方法,2013.1,中国,CN102284372B(发明授权),第1发明人
[2] 一种磷矿石脱镁工艺,2013.1,中国, 21310035139.5(发明授权), 第1发明人
[3] 一种氧化锌矿的浮选方法,2016.6, 中国,CN106111350A,(发明授权),第1发明
[4] 对氧化锌矿进行硫化处理的方法,2014.7,中国,CN103194618B,(发明授权),第2发明人人
[5] 一种铝土矿浮选用捕收剂及其制备方法, 2016.6, 中国,CN106076655A,(发明授权),第1发明人
[6] 一种磁力浮选柱,2014.5,中国,CN203577994U,(实用授权),第1发明人
[7] 磁力浮选柱,2013.1,中国,CN202638582U(实用授权),第1发明人
[8] 一种磁系伸缩调节装置2018.1,中国,ZL201720534903.7(实用授权),第1发明人
[12]一种利用氟离子促进异极矿硫化浮选的方法,2020.11,中国,    CN112474060A(发明授权),第1发明人