
紫金矿业集团 福州大学 网站德州扑克网页版
德州扑克网页版 德州扑克网页版

丘靥 -- 副教授 --博士

专业: 地质学
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 矿床学,金属成矿机制,实验地球化学


Main experience


2012.9-2016.7 吉林大学,地质学专业,学士
2016.8-2020.7 南京大学,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业,硕士
2020.9-2024.7 南京大学,地质学专业,博士
2024.8-至今 福州大学


Main experience


主要从事(1)稀有金属成矿机制;(2)流体作用与成矿;(3)高温高压实验地球化学等方向的研究工作。目前已在Science Bulletin,Chemical Geology,Petroleum Science等期刊上发表论文十余篇。


Main experience


(1)    Qiu Ye, Wang X.L.*, et al., 2022. In situ observations of tungsten speciation and partitioning behavior during fluid exsolution from granitic melt. Science Bulletin. 67 (22): 2358-2368.
(2)    Qiu Ye, Zhang R. Q., Chou I. M., Wang X. L.*, et al., 2021. Boron-rich ore-forming fluids in hydrothermal W-Sn deposits from South China: Insights from in situ Raman spectroscopic characterization of fluid inclusions. Ore Geology Reviews.132: 104048.
(3)    Wang X.L.*, Hu W.X., Qiu Ye, et al., 2022. Fluid inclusion evidence for extreme overpressure induced by gas generation in sedimentary basins. Geology. 50 (7): 765-770.
(4)    Wan Y., Bourdet J., Hu W.X., Kang X., Heath C., Qiu Ye, et al., 2021. Experimental investigations on the thermochemical oxidation of n-alkane and alcohol compounds by MnO2 and Fe2O3 at temperatures up to 325 °C. Chemical Geology. 559: 119982.
(5)    Qiu Ye, Wang X.L.*, et al., 2020. In situ Raman spectroscopic quantification of aqueous sulfate: Experimental calibration and application to natural fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology. 533: 119447
(6)    Qiu Ye, Wang X.L.*, et al., 2020. In situ Raman spectroscopic quantification of CH4-CO2 mixture: application to fluid inclusions hosted in quartz veins from the Longmaxi Formation shales in Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Petroleum Science. 17 (1): 23-35
(7)    Wang X.L.*, Qiu Ye et al., 2020. Effects of pH and salinity on the hydrothermal transport of tungsten: insights from in situ raman spectroscopic characterization of K2WO4-NaCl-HCl-CO2 solutions at temperatures up to 400°C. Geofluids. 2978984
(8)    Wang X.L.*, Qiu Ye et al., 2020. In situ Raman spectroscopic investigation of the hydrothermal speciation of tungsten: Implications for the ore-forming process. Chemical Geology. 532: 119299
(9)    Wang X.L.*, Song Y.C., Chou I-M., Qiu Ye. et al.,2018. Raman spectroscopic characterization of cracking and hydrolysis of n-pentane and n-octadecane at 300-375°C with geological implications. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 36 (SI): 955-970.
(10)    吴宇辰, 刘一锋, 金爱民, 周勇水, 丘靥, 徐田武, 楼章华. 2024. 东濮凹陷北部文留地区沙河街组地层水演化与油气成藏模式. 地球科学. 49 (1): 140-154.
(11)    杨源显, 陈强路, 丘靥, 尤东华, 王小林. 2021. 方解石与含硅流体的水-岩反应实验及其对"硅化碳酸盐岩"储层成因的启示. 高校地质学报. 27 (2): 218-228.
(12)    丘靥, 王小林, 陆建军, 胡文瑄, 万野, 高婉露, 李真. 2020. 基于原位拉曼光谱分析揭示热液条件下钨的迁移方式. 地球化学. 49 (04): 435-449.
(13)    高婉露, 王小林, 丘靥, 席斌斌, 杨源显, 郑健帆, 曾世豪, 张婧玥, 李真. 2020. C-H-O-N体系挥发分的拉曼定量分析:压力、温度和流体组成的影响. 地球化学. 49 (2): 121-140.
(14)    刘显, 陈强路, 王小林, 丘靥, 杨源显. 2020. 方解石晶体定向性对水的拉曼光谱影响的实验评估——天然包裹体盐度的测定. 南京大学学报(自然科学). 56 (03): 297-307.
(15)    杨源显, 王小林, 席斌斌, 丘靥, 高婉露, 万野, 李真. 2019. 应用拉曼光谱定量分析流体中硫酸盐质量摩尔浓度:内标选择和流体组分对分析结果的影响. 地球化学. 48 (4): 403-419.