
紫金矿业集团 福州大学 网站德州扑克网页版
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胡训宇 -- 讲师 --博士研究生

专业: 地质学
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 成矿过程数值模拟、成矿预测及成矿规律


Main experience


2020.8-2024.5    中国矿业大学,讲师
2021.1-2023.12    中国矿业大学,博士后(在职)
2024.6至今    福州大学,讲师


Main experience




Main experience




Main experience


(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目,42202327,长江中下游成矿带茶亭斑岩型铜矿床Cu富集过程多场耦合数值模拟研究,30万元,在研,主持


Main experience


[1] 胡训宇,段飘飘,杨永国,罗金辉,杨慧,王坤,刘光贤,李跃,2023. 云南临沧煤型锗矿床中锗富集过程的有限元数值模拟. 地质学报,97(12), 4150-4163.
[2] Hu, X., Liu, G., Chen, Y., Deng, Y., Luo, J., Wang, K., Yang, Y., Li, Y. 2023. Numerical simulation of ore formation within skarn-type Pb-Zn deposits: implications for mineral exploration and the duration of ore-forming processes. Ore Geology Reviews, 163, 105768.
[3] Hu, X., Ren, K., Li, Y., Liu, G., Chen, Y., Luo, J., Yang, Y., Wang, K., 2023. Correlation between the surface morphology of the intrusions and the formation of mineralization within skarn deposits: A numerical simulation study of the Qiaomaishan skarn Cu deposit, Middle and Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 254, 107307.
[4] Hu, X., Liu, G., Chen, Y., Luo, J., Yang, H., Yang, Y., Ren, K., Li, Y., Gao, L., 2023. Combination model-based numerical simulation of the mineralizing processes within iron oxide-apatite systems. Ore Geology Reviews, 156, 105394.
[5] Hu, X., Jowitt, S., Yuan, F., Liu, G., Luo, J., Chen, Y., Yang, H., Ren, K., Yang, Y., 2022. Numerical modeling of mineralizing processes during the formation of the Yangzhuang Kiruna-type iron deposit, Middle and Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, China: implications for the genesis and longevity of Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite systems. Solid Earth Sciences, 7, 23-37.
[6] Hu, X., Chen, Y., Liu, G., Yang, H., Luo, J., Ren, K., Yang, Y., 2022. Numerical modeling of formation of the Maoping Pb-Zn deposit within the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Metallogenic Province, southwestern China: implications for the spatial distribution of concealed Pb mineralization and its controlling factors. Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104573.
[7] Hu, X., Li, X., Yuan, F., Jowitt, S.M., Ord, A., Ye, R., Li, Y., Dai, W., Li, X., 2020. 3D Numerical Simulation-Based Targeting of Skarn Type Mineralization within the Xuancheng-Magushan Orefield, Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China. Lithosphere, 2020 (1), 1-20.
[8] Hu, X., Li, X., Yuan, F., Ord, A., Jowitt, S.M., Li, Y., Dai, W., Zhou, T., 2020. Numerical Modeling of Ore-forming Processes within the Chating Cu-Au Porphyry-type Deposit, China: Implications for the Longevity of Hydrothermal Systems and Potential Uses in Mineral Exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 116, 103230.
[9] Hu, X., Li, X., Yuan, F., Jowitt, S.M., Ord, A., Li, Y., Dai, W., Ye, R., Zhou, T., 2019. Numerical Simulation Based Targeting of the Magushan Skarn Cu–Mo Deposit, Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China. Minerals, 9, 588.
[10] Hu, X., Yuan, F., Li, X., Jowitt, S.M., Jia, C., Zhang, M., Zhou, T., 2018. 3D characteristic analysis-based targeting of concealed kiruna-type Fe oxide-apatite mineralization within the yangzhuang deposit of the zhonggu orefield, southern ningwu volcanic basin, middle-lower yangtze river metallogenic belt, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 92, 240-256.


Main experience


[1] 中国地质学会2017年学术年会,研究生优秀论文奖