
紫金矿业集团 福州大学 网站德州扑克网页版
德州扑克网页版 德州扑克网页版

曾广圣 -- 讲师 --博士

专业: 矿业工程
研究方向: 矿物浮选分离、浮选药剂合成应用及表界面化学研究


Main experience


2024-11至 今 福州大学,德州扑克网页版 ,讲师
2019-09至2024-06 中南大学,化学工程与技术,博士
2016-09至2019-06 中南大学,矿业工程,硕士
2012-09至2016-06 福州大学,矿物加工工程,学士


Main experience


主要从事(1)硫化矿浮选降镁、(2)浮选表界面化学、(3)浮选工艺与药剂应用等研究工作。目前以第一作者和通讯作者在《Minerals Engineering》、《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《Separation and Purification Technology》、《Surfaces and Interfaces》等期刊上发表论文11篇


Main experience


(1)国家自然科学基金委 国家杰出青年科学基金 浮选药剂(51925406), 2019.09-2024.06, 参与
(2)科技部 国家重点研发计划项目 复杂铜钼钴锌等多金属资源分离提取基础理论研究(2022YFC2904601),2023.06-2024.06,参与


Main experience


1.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Weng, W.*, Zhong, S.*, Chi, X., Cai, J., Tan, W., Chen, J., 2025. Amidoxime collectors: Lead-free flotation performance and adsorption mechanism in the separation of wolframite, quartz and calcite. Miner. Eng. 222.
2.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Chen, W.*, Liu, S., Liu, G.*, 2023a. New insights into the aggregation and disaggregation between serpentine and pyrite in the xanthate flotation system. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 633, 243–253.
3.Cheng, C., Zeng, G.* (共同通讯作者), Huang, Z.*, 2025b. Benzohydroxamic acid derivatives: Structure-activity relationships in the malachite flotation. Sep. Purif. Technol. 360, 130923.
4.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Chen, W.*, Liu, S., Liu, G.*, 2024a. Understanding the role of sodium lignosulphonate on obstructing the aggregation of fine serpentine particles on to the hydrophobized pyrite surface. Surfaces and Interfaces 55, 105426.
5.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Chen, W.*, Yang, L., Liu, S.*, Liu, G., 2024b. Understanding the Role of Calcium Lignosulphonate in Flotation Separation of Chalcopyrite from Talc. Miner. Process. Extr. Metall. Rev. 00, 1–11.
6.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Wang, M.*, Zhang, G., Gao, Y., 2024c. Selective depression and adsorption of a novel eco-friendly depressant on the flotation separation of chalcopyrite from carrollite. Colloids Surfaces A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 695, 134290.
7.Cheng, C., Zeng, G.* (共同通讯作者), Huang, Z.*, 2025a. Efficient lead-free flotation separation of malachite from calcite and quartz by using amidoxime collectors. Colloids Surfaces A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 708, 136018.
8.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Zhu, Y., Chen, W.*, 2023b. A Brief Review of Micro-Particle Slurry Rheological Behavior in Grinding and Flotation for Enhancing Fine Mineral Processing Efficiency. Minerals 13, 792.
9.Zeng, G.(唯一第一作者), Ou, L.*, Zhang, W., Zhu, Y., 2020. Effects of Sodium Alginate on the Flotation Separation of Molybdenite From Chalcopyrite Using Kerosene as Collector. Front. Chem. 8, 1–9.
10.张鹏羽, 陈伟, 衷水平, 曾广圣* (唯一通讯作者), 2024. 海藻酸钠-硫化钠在铜钼混合精矿浮选分离中的抑制研究. 金属矿山 118–124.
11.曾广圣(唯一第一作者),欧乐明, 2019. X射线衍射-扫描电镜等技术研究秘鲁铜硫矿石选矿工艺矿物学特征.岩矿测试 160-168.